President Message

- Company Information
- President Message

YUKI GOSEI KOGYO has adopted since its founding a corporate philosophy of “We are dedicated to providing products of the highest value to people by implementing innovative solutions.” and has supplied safe and reliable products to people around the world through the development, manufacture, and sale of unique and valuable products that are based on state-of-the-art organic synthesis.
When we were founded 1947, we started with the industrialized production of naturally derived sweeteners and became soon an established chemical manufacturer driven by science and advancing technologies. In the following years, we developed a variety of new production lines in the fields Specialty Chemicals, Amino Acids and Pharmaceuticals and expanded the business as R&D oriented company.
In recent years, we have carried out structural reforms in our historic amino acid business and are proceeding with the strengthening of the business foundation. Moreover, we have expanded our healthcare-related product portfolio with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals, and kept focused on structural reforms and new product development. This way, we have established a well-balanced business structure in the three fields of amino acids, specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In the previous medium-term business plan, which started in 2020, we aimed to achieve management goals and deepen the business foundation. In the current medium-term business plan, which has started in 2023, we are striving to improve our corporate value with the goal of achieving sales of 15 billion yen.
One of the key initiatives in this medium-term business plan is to foster a quality culture, because products and services which satisfy customers depend not only on product quality, but also on the beliefs and actions of the organization and individuals. We aim to improve the quality of daily work and the profitability of our company. Improvements in our human capital had been already successful in the previous mid-term plan and we will continue our efforts in this field in the future. With the current medium-term business plan, we prioritize the improvement of corporate value, reformation of the business structures in the amino acids field, expanding contract business in the pharmaceutical field, and the expanding and restructuring of the specialty chemicals business. All these initiatives are aimed at realization of the basic policy of the current medium-term business plan, “In a rapidly changing economic environment, while expanding sales of key products, we will continue to introduce new products and lay the foundation for growth over the next 10 years.” Through the medium-term business plan, we aim to become a highly profitable company.
Another important topic is sustainability. We have begun to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions already in the early 2000s years. However, as our business activities will continue to grow our possibilities to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions are limited.
As a new initiative, we have begun testing carbon-neutral fuels and 100% of the electricity supplied to our head office building is coming from renewable energy. We remain committed to reduce our carbon dioxide emission by 50% until 2030.
We remain fully committed to responding to the expectations and trust of our stakeholders, by ensuring the supply of products which help people to live healthier and enjoy more prosperous lives, and by protecting the environment for future generations, but also by increasing profits and actively contributing to a better society.
We look forward to your continued support.
When we were founded 1947, we started with the industrialized production of naturally derived sweeteners and became soon an established chemical manufacturer driven by science and advancing technologies. In the following years, we developed a variety of new production lines in the fields Specialty Chemicals, Amino Acids and Pharmaceuticals and expanded the business as R&D oriented company.
In recent years, we have carried out structural reforms in our historic amino acid business and are proceeding with the strengthening of the business foundation. Moreover, we have expanded our healthcare-related product portfolio with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals, and kept focused on structural reforms and new product development. This way, we have established a well-balanced business structure in the three fields of amino acids, specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In the previous medium-term business plan, which started in 2020, we aimed to achieve management goals and deepen the business foundation. In the current medium-term business plan, which has started in 2023, we are striving to improve our corporate value with the goal of achieving sales of 15 billion yen.
One of the key initiatives in this medium-term business plan is to foster a quality culture, because products and services which satisfy customers depend not only on product quality, but also on the beliefs and actions of the organization and individuals. We aim to improve the quality of daily work and the profitability of our company. Improvements in our human capital had been already successful in the previous mid-term plan and we will continue our efforts in this field in the future. With the current medium-term business plan, we prioritize the improvement of corporate value, reformation of the business structures in the amino acids field, expanding contract business in the pharmaceutical field, and the expanding and restructuring of the specialty chemicals business. All these initiatives are aimed at realization of the basic policy of the current medium-term business plan, “In a rapidly changing economic environment, while expanding sales of key products, we will continue to introduce new products and lay the foundation for growth over the next 10 years.” Through the medium-term business plan, we aim to become a highly profitable company.
Another important topic is sustainability. We have begun to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions already in the early 2000s years. However, as our business activities will continue to grow our possibilities to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions are limited.
As a new initiative, we have begun testing carbon-neutral fuels and 100% of the electricity supplied to our head office building is coming from renewable energy. We remain committed to reduce our carbon dioxide emission by 50% until 2030.
We remain fully committed to responding to the expectations and trust of our stakeholders, by ensuring the supply of products which help people to live healthier and enjoy more prosperous lives, and by protecting the environment for future generations, but also by increasing profits and actively contributing to a better society.
We look forward to your continued support.
President & CEO
June 2024
Corporate Philosophy
We are dedicated to providing products of the highest value to people by implementing innovative solutions.
Corporate Mission
We endeavor to be a specialty chemicals company through the utilization of our accumulated know-how and state-of-the-art technologies.